A New Day of Infamy – Remembering Unite the Right in the Current Year

It is a new day of infamy in the annals of American history; the first time (that I am aware of at least) that the government, Silicon Valley executives and higher-ups, and the majority of the police force of an entire city openly colluded with violent terrorists to not just deny the right to free speech and peaceful assembly to an entire political faction but to shut down and destroy the lives of anyone and everyone they could who was affiliated in some way.

The New Scarlet Letter

Racism is regarded as a cardinal and virtually unforgivable sin by modern society on the premise that it dehumanizes people on the sheer basis of factors of their existence that they didn’t even have a choice in. Simply for being who they are. But what could be more dehumanizing than the idea that “racism” is…

Visionary Nationalist Symposium Unites Right, Triggers Left

DICKSON, TN – A multinational roster of activists, luminaries and icons of the dissident right addressed a gathering of nearly 150 patriots and liberty-loving Americans this weekend at the Nationalist Solutions Symposium.  The venue was the idyllic and somewhat secluded Montgomery Bell State Park, which features a hotel and adjoining conference center with a capacity…

Thoughts On Roy Moore’s Senatorial Campaign Loss

Another election has passed, and Americans have yet again been denied a statesman over a politician.  But did we ever even deserve one to begin with? I’d like to preface this with the reminder to all the psychotically hypocritical lemmings who loathe Moore and feign outrage about the allegations against him but give a free…

Guest Post By CWNY: Of Europe, the Seven Thousand, and Elijah

If you’re not familiar with Cambria Will Not Yield already, you most certainly should be.  This man has been more than a little of an inspiration to me in my own writings, and this latest piece of his epitomizes most if not all of the reasons for that.  In my own discourses with people, I…

Dissecting Progressive Piety and the Cult of Leftism

The left is a hivemind addled by neurosis and hypochondria. It has become the single largest religious cult in the world.   I might write a book about it someday. What follows is a sneak peek/potential excerpt that started out as a Facebook post. But as I wrote, I realized there really is a great deal…

Patriots and Pundits Gather To Celebrate Politically Incorrect Talkshow Unimpeded Despite Being Forced to Meet In Virtual Secrecy

Saturday, October 21st a little over 100 liberty-loving Americans congregated in Memphis, TN to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the preeminent AM radio program of the right, The Political Cesspool. The weekend-long event was an invitation-only, business casual affair that felt more like a family reunion than a convention for political dissidents.  That is to…